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Goal Setting and Management

Managing your diabetes takes effort, but small changes can make a big difference.
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Reaching your Goals

Managing your diabetes takes effort, but small changes can make a big difference. One of the most important actions you can do is to set goals, and make a plan to reach them. As these healthy changes become habits, you may find you are able to make new goals.

Think about a time in the past when you set a goal for yourself. It can be something that worked, or that didn’t work. Ask yourself these questions:

You may find that you can do things on your own. Sometimes you may need help and support from others. What you have learned from the past can help you solve problems, and stay motivated to reach your goals?

Smart Goals

Using SMART goals can help you manage your diabetes by turning what you know into action. SMART goals are:

An example of a SMART goal would be:

“I will walk with my spouse or a friend for 20 minutes after dinner on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

SMART goals list

Tips for Success for Reaching Your Goals

It is important to know what your goal is, have a plan to reach the goal, and think about things that might get in the way. 

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